Saturday, August 6, 2016

Wilmer Jenning's Garden and Gallery

I have always saw this Garden on 3rd St. With Sculptors and was always clean but never saw anybody in it. So I brought the kids to Sketch their beautiful sculptors and they had a lot of them too. So we are sitting on 3rd st. by the fence and all the kids engaged with their work. This man walks up to me and OMG !! This is wonderful ! I said thank you. He said I have never seen something like this before in the neighborhood. I told him I just started this sketch group and the kids really like doing this activity and it gets them out in streets see whats in the neighborhood. So here are pictures I took from out side the gates.
BUT keep on reading after you browse the pictures CAUSE it gets so much better !!



He said listen I own the Art Gallery on 2nd St and I would love for you to bring the kids there when they get ready to leave. I said OK !! So we packed up when the kids was done and we walked with him to his Gallery. He introduce us to his wife Wilmer. Wilmer took us on a tour of the Gallery and the kids was so trilled and so was I. It was amazing to see the art works that was displayed there. Here are some picture I shot in the gallery.

This picture/art piece below is showing you how dirty the Gowanus Canel is and this piece was going to be action to raise money to clean up this canal.Very interesting  piece really say a lot !!

Wilmer asked me if I would show the kids work and my work that I do with the kids. I was trilled and I said yes I would. But it would take a while to get their works together. She said that's fine as it wouldn't be till the end of October. I said wow great and the kids so was so happy.
Wilmer loved the idea that they were sketching her sculptures that she invited us back to go into the garden and sketch up close. Now all our eyes opened up !!
Next day I took the kids over and just by the pictures below you could see how pleased/proud the kids were. While the kids sitting there sketching people call me to the gate. Miss how did you get in this garden. I said why? One person said I've lived here all my live and had never seen anybody in her. Another person said wow did you have to make appointment to go in there. so many people asking me question. The kids saying Ms Barbara why they asking you all the question? I said well you know kids your work really must mean something to Wilmer and her husband that they gave us such a privilege to be in here doing this. So when we leave we really have to say thank you to them.
                    Kids sketching inside the garden and close up.
                    Thumps up for Mrs. Wilmena !! Thank You !!
                      Beautiful brick road that leaves you to the garden.
                                                    One step at a time.
                                                   Now two steps
                                                  Were getting there
                              Yes !! Were in this beautiful Garden/Gallery

This is part of the toy tree from Ave B and 6th Street Garden. After Hurricane Sandy It got to dangerous to leave there and also the owner of the garden passed away. So somebody brought the stub of the tree over to the garden and filled it with toys like the one on Ave B and 6th st. 
       I thought that was so kool to do that. So here is the Stub !
And here is the toy tree from Abe B and 6th street 

Here are some pictures of all the little toys that are on this little stub tree.


                     This is one kool place !!

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